Master in Banking and Finance University of Messina


The Master in Banking & Finance has been organized by the Department of Economics at the University of Messina since the academic year 2014-15.

This Master Course is a 1-year Professional Master and costs €2500, payable in 5 installments. At the end of the Course the best 10 students get a €500 award.The course begins in early October and it ends at the end of November of the following year.

The Master offers the necessary knowledge to undertake a career in the banking and finance sectors in the role of financial analysts, traders, portfolio and asset managers, commercial banking managers and financial advisors. It also offers a solid background for those students that wish to continue their post-graduate studies in Italy and abroad.
The Master is based on the most recent advancements in both the theoretical and empirical literature ad brings the necessary skills to understand the functioning of the banking and financial systems in the light of the continuous development of financial industry. Students learn how to approach financial problems, how to test different financial theories, how to use econometric softwares (mainly Stata and Matlab) to carry out research and how to deal with large datasets.

About 30% of our past students are currently working. Most of them work in financial institutions, banks or private companies in Italy and abroad. Around 20% of them decided to continue their studies. Some of them have been offered a place in finance- related Master courses in UK (Manchester and London), while others are currently PhD students at the Department of Economics in Messina.

Our students benefit of the connection that the faculty members (particularly those in the Managing Committee) with prestigious Institutions in UK (King’s College of London, Imperial College, Queen Mary University of London) and in US (Temple University and University of Pennsylvania).