Master Degree in International Tourism and Destination Management University of Macerata


The master’s degree program in International Tourism and Destination Management focuses on creating professionals who are able to catch and meet traveler’s needs. Starting from logistics, to catering going through to the creation of targeted itineraries where tourists will hopefully gain a real understanding of the visited places (our main ambition is to take his eyes off guides and smartphones). Going back to the initial Proust’s quote, if we cannot give new eyes to traveller we can help them to see the world froma a new perspective.

If you ask a financial analyst if it’s time to invest in a particular economic sector, expect him to rattle off terms such market, competition, growth prospects and diversification. A very similar speech should be made for the par excellence investment a young person is sooner or later destined to face: that for his education.

According to data released by the World Tourism Organization, in 2003 the total number of international travelers exceeded for the first time the symbolic figure of 1 billion. The figure, by itself considerable, is characterized by a growth trend such that experts believe the 2 billion travellers threshold will already be reached in the next decade.

Leaving aside the numbers and focusing instead on the user experience side, a trip can surprisingly represent a set of missed opportunities. If it is true that every place in the world has infinite stories to tell, it is equally true that many of these often end up escaping the gaze of visitors constantly engaged in the disordered search for information on smartphones and pocket guides. Inevitably there is therefore a considerable gap between what a territory can offer and the set of experiences that its visitors bring away with them.

Both these aspects are certainly known by tour operators since they have been the bread and butter for the sector in every course, publication or convention. Therefore, new opportunities are emerging in the field asking for deep changes. From the increase of the accommodation capacity to the progressive rise of the “user experience” over the traditional concept  of “accomodation”.



If you hold an International Diploma and are applying for a bachelor’s or master’s degree programme at UNIMC, you can follow an online pre-evaluation procedure.

For detailed information about the admission deadlines and requirements for students with an international diploma, you can visit the dedicated webpage.

Non-EU citizens living outside of Italy must pre-enrol at an Italian Embassy or Consulate in their countries of origin or residence before the prescribed deadline set each year by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research – generally between March and July.

To complete your enrolment, you must return the application form to the Student Administration Office of the respective Department, by enclosing:
• Your duly signed online application form;
• A copy, front and back, of your valid I.D.;
• Two passport-size photographs;
• For non-EU citizens: a copy of a valid residence permit or an application receipt
for such permit;
• A copy of your Tax Code Number;
• A copy of the receipt confirming you have paid the first instalment of your tuition fees;
• Any other necessary documents.


The maximum fees for a full-time enrolment in the bachelor’s and master’s programmes
is approximately € 1560,00 which include
€ 140,00 regional tax for the right to study and the € 16,00 for the tax stamp.

Tuition fees are to be paid in 4 instalments.
1st instalment deadline (€ 156,00) is October 31. 2nd instalment deadline is January 31.
3rd instalment deadline is March 31.
4th instalment deadline is May 31.