Bachelor Degree Program in Economics and Business Ca' Foscari University of Venice

The Bachelor’s degree program in Economics and Business aims to provide students with:

  • the necessary knowledge to understand and critically analyse the economic phenomena at various levels (macroeconomic, market, enterprise);
  • useful competencies to deal with the economic problems faced by private companies and public bodies;
  • the required knowledge to successfully continue their studies, enrolling in a Master’s degree or Professional Master’s programme.

This Bachelor’s Degree Programme provides students with a flexible and multi-purpose education, based on a grounding in economic, mathematical-statistical, business and legal issues, in order to have a general overview of economic phenomena.

Three different curricula are activated, two of which aim to analyse the different economic institutions. The third curriculum is focused on the tourist sector.
Internships and a final exam complete the formative course.

First Cycle graduates in Economics and Business, depending on the curriculum chosen, may be employed as consultants in the economic field or operate professionally in the tourism public and private sector, independently and actively fulfilling their tasks.

In addition to a successful outcome of the admission test, a previous suitable background is required: each curriculum needs a specific knowledge, which the student should  have before enrolling the university, in order to attend the course successfully.

If the results of the test are negative, the student can enroll, but he/she receives a supplementary educational debt (OFA), which means that the student must fill any gaps in his/ her background through specific activities organized by the University.

For detailed information about the application process (requirements and deadlines), scholarships or if you are interested in taking classes in Italian, please write to